Teams Chat with Self

Do you find new ideas hit you at the most inopportune times? Well, there is a good reason for that. 

Think of your brain as a filing system where during the day it is in a constant busy state pulling in lots of different information, including a very large number of signals from your senses.  This process lends to the logical side of the brain which is great when you're trying to get work done but not so great when you're looking for some space to think outside of the box, to pull in some of those new creative ideas you have been looking for.

Strangely enough, you're more likely to have those creative sparks flying either before bed when your head is starting to switch off leaving more of the logical thinking from the day behind or winding down with a glass of wine.


We also know that when you're getting tired or you've switched the logical side of your brain off, you're more than likely not in the office or anywhere near your laptop which leaves you with your phone at your fingertips.


So how do you effectively capture those ideas when they hit?  There's a number of ways you might choose to record your ideas but if your company or organisation is using a platform to store their information like Microsoft 365 you might want to consider using a new feature available in Microsoft Teams called "Teams Chat with self."  This new feature is quite a simple addition to the product but it's one that some have been waiting to help them capture ideas or information at a moment’s notice.

This option to chat with yourself to capture information isn't just somewhere you can take note of ideas but it's a private space where you can have an informal sounding board.  You can use it to simply practice with the features available to you in Microsoft Teams, you can save files for yourself or potentially use it to draft something up before you look to move it in to a formal document or email.  There is plenty of options in Microsoft 365 to achieve a similar outcome but using the self-chat feature available is a quick and easy solution to capturing your ideas and knowing that the next time you login to do some work, your notes will be readily available to you in your hub of work, Microsoft Teams.